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Fraud Examiner

What does a Fraud Examiner do?

Fraud examiners compile and examine evidence to be used in fraud investigations. In accordance with legal search regulations, their activities include analysing financial information, collecting evidence, and interviewing witnesses and suspects. Examiners determine whether a fraud has been committed and establish the case to prove it.

A fraud examiner’s duties may include:

  • documenting all investigative activities
  • preparing evidence for presentation in court
  • testifying in court regarding investigation findings
  • coordinating investigative efforts with law enforcement officers and attorneys
  • advising businesses or agencies on ways to improve fraud detection
  • arresting individuals to be charged with fraud
  • conducting indepth investigations of suspicious financial activity, such as suspected money-laundering efforts
  • creating and maintaining logs, records, or databases of information about fraudulent activity
  • designing, implementing, or maintaining fraud detection tools or procedures
  • training others in fraud detection and prevention techniques
  • conducting field surveillance to gather case-related information.

What qualifications do I need?

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners South Africa (ACFE SA) provides legitimate qualifications through administration of the CFE International Examination, which is recognised as an NQF 7 qualification with SAQA. Through their global partnership with the ACFE International, they are the only institution able to offer the CFE® certification. The CFE® mark asserts that the anti-fraud professional has met stringent qualification and competency requirements and adheres to an uncompromising code of ethics and professional standards. Members of the ACFE SA benefit from ongoing educational opportunities, publications and updates featuring the latest developments, as well as unique networking opportunities that promote their professional and career development.

What subjects do I need?

Contact each institution for their specific requirements, but these subjects are recommended: 
• None


Where can I study?

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners South Africa
Various Courses

University of Pretoria
Course in Fraud Examination

Where can I get more info?

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners South Africa – www.acfesa.co.za


Interview with a Fraud Examiner

Jaco De Jager | CEO ACFE SA CHAPTER | Association of Certified Fraud Examiners South African Chapter

Jaco De Jager | CEO ACFE SA CHAPTER | Association of Certified Fraud Examiners South African Chapter

Why did you choose this profession?
I wanted to make a difference. If we don’t work together to fight fraud, then South Africa won’t have a bright future. People often talk about the issues; as a Certified Fraud Examiner, I actually get to make a difference.

What training did you undergo?
I have qualified in: BCom Law; Postgrad Diploma: Forensic Auditing and Investigation; Forensic Examination of Questioned Documents; Advance Certificate: Fraud Examination; Surveillancing and Counter Surveillancing Techniques; and Fingerprint Taking and Analysis.

Is there a type of personality best suited to this work?
Yes, one requires an inquisitive personality and an eager-to-learn attitude.

How important is experience compared to formal training?
Experience is the most important aspect of our growth. The syndicates change their way of thinking and operating daily and we need to be able to adapt to keep up. No academic environment can prepare you for that.

Describe a typical day on the job
Identifying irregularities and determining the impact on the company; investigating irregularities using multiple skills such as financial, law, cyber investigation and science; compiling the docket and testifying in a court of law; forensics – which entails the gathering and testing of information, during which one needs to remain independent, objective and only deal with the facts.

What do you like most about your work?
The day-to-day challenges involved in catching the fraudsters trying to perpetrate various different schemes. No one is ever like another, which ensures my work is interesting.

Which aspects are you least enthusiastic about?
Sometimes we need to lock away elderly people, children, or people who seem to have a good excuse for what they have done.

What’s been the highlight of your career to date?
Becoming a Certified Fraud Examiner and thereby being recognised as a professional, not only in South Africa, but globally in more than 156 countries worldwide.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in your career?
You need to be passionate about justice, possess good ethics and be able to set a good example. You need to be willing to listen and to learn: you’ll find that most information and experience is gained through observation.

Describe your job in three words?
Interesting, Challenging and Exciting.